

In 2015, Daniel Zaug embarked on a creative journey to bring the world of Nai and Potu to life, beginning the four-part novel series with a vision of captivating young readers through adventure, friendship, and discovery. Inspired by the tropical landscapes and vibrant energy of his imagined Wiiowii World, Zaug has since expanded his storytelling into an entire ecosystem of creativity. The MODZIW Market was born to support this passion, offering exclusive T-shirts, art prints, and unique products that directly fund the ongoing production of Nai and Potu: The Search for Modziw stories. Each purchase helps sustain the artistic spirit behind this magical island tale, allowing fans to wear, share, and celebrate their favorite characters while fueling the next chapter of their adventures.

Giving back

At Modziw, we believe in giving back to the planet that sustains us. That’s why we’ve proudly supported the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Run for the Wild for many years. This annual event allows us to lace up our sneakers and hit the pavement in support of wildlife conservation efforts. From protecting endangered species to preserving their habitats, our partnership with WCS is a testament to our commitment to environmental stewardship.

Giving back